Discover in this post how to color organize your closet.
Organizing your closet by colors isn’t just pleasing for the eye. It goes much deeper than that. The main goal of this closet organization is to optimize your time.
When you color organize your closet, you find the clothes you need when you need them. You are getting dressed every day. If you can spend 5 minutes instead of half an hour to choose your outfit, you will save a lot of time.
In this busy world, your time is precious. Think about all the things you could do by just saving a few hours a month!
Learn how to color organize your closet to find what you need quickly and easily.

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How to color organize your closet
Follow these 7 steps to color organize your closet.
1 – Sort your clothes by type

The first step to color organize your closet is to sort your clothes by type. Group together all tops, then all dresses, then all jeans and so on. Don’t forget to do this for your shoes and accessories as well!
Once you have your categories of clothes, you are going to create sub-categories. You can create :
- seasonal sub-categories (spring, summer, fall, winter);
- type sub-categories (such as sleeveless, short sleeves and long sleeves);
- style sub-category (formal, party, etc.)
- aesthetic sub-category (Cottagecore, Coquettecore, etc.).
Group together all summer dresses then all winter dresses, all summer sleeveless tops then all winter long sleeve tops and so on.
Create sub-categories is a must if you have a lot of clothes or if you want an even more effortless organization
Don’t group your clothes by colors or patterns yet. Focus only on the type of clothes at this step of the process.
2 – Create color blocks within each type

Now that you’ve created your categories and sub-categories of clothes, you are going to organize them by colors. They are different ways of color organization.
A) Rainbow clothes
The easiest way to color organize your closet is to place your clothes in a rainbow color scheme, following ROYGBIV. From left to right: white, beige, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, brown, gray and black.
When choosing how to color organize your closet, many people choose to add their white and beige clothes before red (IR) and their brown, gray and black clothes after indigo (UV).
Inside each color section, you can go from the lightest to darkest shades for an even smoother look. For example, add your scarlet, crimson then burgundy red.
B) From light to dark clothes
If you don’t like organizing your clothes according to the rainbow scheme, you can arrange them from the lightest to darkest colors.
When selecting this organization, make sure to put your favorite clothes on the left. You can easily grab the clothes you wear the most with this system.
If you love and wear your dark clothes more, go from darkest to lightest colors instead.
C) Make your own rainbow
If you don’t want to follow the ROYGBIV system, you can create your own rainbow.
Don’t forget to start by the colors and clothes you are wearing the most. It helps you to easily reach them.
Many people don’t know where to place their white, black, brown and patterned clothes. Don’t overthink about it and place them where it feels best to you. If you want to place your white before yellow, your patterns before blue or your black before indigo, go for it!
3 – Decode your patterned clothes

What if you own a lot of patterned clothes? There are two approaches to patterned clothes.
If the pattern has a primary color or if the pattern reminds you of a specific color, add it to the same color section.
Let suppose that you have a floral top with shades of red. The first color you think about when you see it is red. Place it in your red top section.
How to color organize your closet if your pattern is a mix of colors or if the pattern doesn’t remind you of any specific color? Create a specific patterned section.
You can place this section wherever you want. I suggest you to put it either at the beginning, middle or end of your closet depending on the frequency of wear of your patterned clothes.
4 – Store your seasonal items in separate bins

If it’s winter time, you may not want to see your summer clothes hanging in your closet. I recommend you to store them in separate bins.
If you are going for a classic and elegant look, choose neutral storage bins.
If you really love color, you can purchase colorful bins. They can even have colors reminding you of the seasons: for example, use an orange bin for fall items like scarves or gloves.
5 – How to color organize your closet with hangers

They are two solutions for your hangers.
A) Add neutral hangers
Your clothes are already colorful, you don’t need messy hangers to clash with them. By choosing neutral hangers, you are bringing the focus on the main items: your clothes. Neutral hangers add elegance and modernity to your closet.
B) Add colorful hangers
To add colorful hangers without your closet looking like a mess, pick hangers the same colors as your clothes. For your pink clothes, use pink hangers and so on.
Your hangers will perfectly match with your clothes. It will create a cohesive and beautiful look.
You can select this solution if you’d like a colorful closet. Beware, as choosing colorful hangers can redirect the focus from the clothes to the closet.
6 – Be creative with your closet dividers

To separate your clothes sections even more clearly, add closet dividers. To make it more fun, instead of going for simple white plastic closet dividers, you can purchase colorful ones.
But how to color organize your closet with these colorful closet dividers? Use a closet divider the same color as the color section to define it. For example to delimit the red section, use a red closet divider.
If you are going for a delicate and coquette look, add colorful ribbons instead of plastic closet dividers. Use a ribbon the same color as the color section to define it. It will immediately elevate your closet!
If you have a specific aesthetic, try to match the closet dividers with your aesthetic. Don’t hesitate to be creative.
7 – Do the same with shoes and accessories

If you have a lot of shoes, sort them by types and group them by colors. Just like you did with your clothes.
If you don’t have a lot of shoes, you can simply place them from light to dark or dark to light depending on which ones you wear the most.
If you have a small closet, put your seasonal shoes in bins. You can either pick neutral or colorful ones like we saw in 4 – Store your seasonal items in separate bins.
Do the same for your accessories. If you have a lot of accessories stored in bins, select storage bins the same color as your accessories: choose a blue bin for blue accessories and so on.
Now that you’ve learned how to color organize your closet, you can use those advice to create a functional and beautiful wardrobe.
Whether you have a small or large closet, you will gain time every morning by knowing exactly where each of your clothes are.
You can decide to create a classic and neutral organization or you can challenge yourself to be creative by creating a colorful and seasonal organization. The choice is yours.
Do what you want as long as it creates an effortless process to pick your outfits everyday. You will never loose time again by spending hours looking for a piece you’ve lost!