Discover in this post the best seasonal decor storage.
Storing seasonal decor can easily become messy. Without a good organization in place, you will lose a lot of time trying to find a specific item.
By putting all your decoration together, you risk them getting tangled.
Your seasonal decor are used only one to two months a year. If you want to keep them a long time, it’s better to stay organized and to create a good storage system.
Finding a seasonal decoration item shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes.
By applying these 11 clever seasonal decor storage hacks, you won’t get headaches anymore. You are going to learn how to build a storage system that will give you some peace of mind.

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Seasonal decor storage
Creating a storage system isn’t complicated, you just need to take the time to do it. Follow these 11 genius seasonal decor storage hacks to never lose an item again.
1 – Declutter your seasonal decor

Before starting to organize your items, you need to dispose of everything that you don’t like anymore.
You are going to start asking yourself for each of your seasonal decor items: do I really like this decoration? Did I use this decoration in the past two years?
We all have decoration that we keep just in case we would like them again one day. But the truth is, we never end up using them again.
If you have items that you don’t like anymore, it’s time to dispose of them.
You have several options. Instead of just throwing your items, you can recycle, donate or sell them.
If you recycle them, you give them a second life.
If you donate them, they will finally be used by people who need them.
If you sell them, you will be able to get a bit of money.
These options are better for you and the environment. Consider them.
2 – Define categories

Now that you only have items that you love, you are going to group them by categories. You can create:
- seasonal categories (spring, summer, fall, winter);
- or holidays categories (Valentines, Easter, Halloween, Christmas).
Choose the category system that suits you the best.
3 – Create an inventory

Once you’ve created categories, you are going to list every item that go in each category. You can either do it on a simple sheet of paper or create a Google doc.
I suggest creating a Google doc as it is easier to edit. But a sheet of paper is also great.
If you have a lot of seasonal decoration, you won’t remember every item. By doing an inventory, you will be able to recall everything you have.
It will be easier to plan your next year decoration as you will know all the items you have. Don’t skip this step. It may be tedious but it is necessary to stay organized.
To optimize your seasonal decor storage, always keep your inventory up to date.
If you buy new items, make sure to add them to the inventory. If you throw old items, make sure to erase them from the inventory.
Once you’ve listed every item in each category, you are going to write how many containers you have for each category.
Let suppose that you have 3 large clear bins for your Christmas decoration, you are going to write next to Christmas that you have 3 bins.
If some items are not stored in the same place (such as large items), write it down.
Back to our example. In addition to your 3 bins, you have wreaths that you decided to store in your living room cabinet so that they don’t perish due to your garage moisture.
You are going to write next to Christmas that you have 3 bins and large items stored in your living room cabinet.
In the Christmas decoration items list, highlight the items that will be stored in your living room cabinet.
The goal is to create a space dedicated to your seasonal decoration. But sometimes, we can’t keep everything in the same place.
Do your best to store all your little items together. But if you don’t have enough space for large items, store them elsewhere.
4 – Choose your containers

Purchasing high-quality containers is essential to create a functional seasonal decor storage. These containers will protect your decoration for the years to come.
You only display your seasonal decor one to two months a year. They need to be well stored to avoid any damages.
You will need to buy different containers depending on where you are storing your seasonal decor.
A) Large clear bins
If you like being able to see what’s inside your containers, choose large clear bins.
You can either store them in your house or in your garage. If you store them in your house, create a storage cabinet specially for your seasonal decor.
If you don’t have enough space to create a seasonal decor cabinet, dedicate a part of a storage cabinet for them. The goal is to have a space specifically for your seasonal decoration.
Don’t use a marker pen to label your containers. It will fade over time. If you decide to repurpose them, you will have this annoying label on it that you can’t erase.
Instead, invest in a label maker. You will be able to easily create labels to stick on your containers.
B) Large solid bins
If you don’t like being able to see what’s inside your containers, select large solid bins. These are black and gray but you can choose to color match your bins with each season or holidays.
You can either store them in a storage cabinet in your house or in your garage. You can also use a label maker to create labels to stick on your bins.
C) Woven bins
Woven bins give a classic and elegant look to your home. Place them in your seasonal decor cabinet in your house. You can also use a label maker to create labels to stick on your bins.
D) Organizer containers
If you want to be even more organized, invest in ornaments adjustable containers.
These containers have adjustable dividers to best fit your little ornaments such as Christmas balls, Halloween pumpkins or Easter eggs.
You can either store them in a storage cabinet in your house or in your garage. Don’t forget to label them for more clarity!
E) Wreath storage
Another hack to create a practical seasonal decor storage is to purchase wreath containers. You can either choose round plastic containers or storage bags.
You can either store them in a storage cabinet in your house or in your garage.
A cheaper but still practical option is to place black metal hooks on your cabinet door and to hang the wreaths on them.
Avoid doing that in your garage, as your wreaths are susceptible to moisture there.
5 – Protect your fragile items

If you love seasonal decoration, you probably have fragile items such as glass or porcelain ornaments. You maybe even have decorations that were passed on by family.
To give them extra protection, buy some bubble wraps. You can decide to purchase plastic bubble wraps but it’s not environment friendly.
A cheaper and more sustainable solution is to purchase paper bubble wraps.
If you have old newspapers at your house, use them to wrap your fragile items. It’s free and eco-friendly.
6 – What about large items?

If your large items cannot be stored in your bins, don’t put them in the depths of your garage. You don’t want moisture to destroy them.
If you still want to store them in your garage, make sure to properly do so by protecting them.
The best way is to store them in one of your storage cabinet in your house. The goal is to have a space specifically for your large seasonal decoration items.
You can put them on the top shelf or on the bottom of the cabinet.
Don’t forget to write in your inventory where you’ve placed these large items!
You can also do this for your dried and/or fake plants.
If you put them at the bottom of your bins, they will be crushed. The best is to either place them in a vase or to hang them on a cabinet door.
Creating a functional seasonal decor storage doesn’t have to be complicated.
With these 11 tips, you will be able to create a storage system that will help you gain time and stay organized.
By decluttering your house one step at a time, you are getting closer to your dream organized home.